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What is a WIPO Trademark Search?

What is the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)? 

The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) is a United Nations agency that is concerned with safeguarding intellectual property (I.P.) across multiple nations through a global framework. They are a self-financing office of the United Nations, with 193 Member States. Their order, administering bodies and methodology are set out in the WIPO Convention, which set up WIPO in 1967. 

WIPO fills in as a gathering for its Member States to build up and fit standards and practices for the insurance of licensed innovation rights. WIPO likewise benefits worldwide enrolment frameworks for brand names, mechanical plans and designations of the beginning, and a global recording framework for licenses. 

These frameworks are under routine survey to decide how they can be improved better to serve the necessities of clients and expected clients. Many industrialized countries have licensed innovation insurance frameworks that are exceptionally old. 

Worldwide Brand Database 

The information base contains about 13 million records, with 15 public and global assortments. The information base includes more than 4 million accessible pictures. 

Advantages of a Trademark Search 

The more you think about the advantages of a brand name search, the more you'll understand that you need it before utilizing an imprint name, logo or expression in trade. An inside and out brand name search investigation is energetically prescribed for deciding whether your proposed mark is accessible and away from likely clashes. There are a few essential advantages in a brand name search. 

Find Potential Conflicting Marks


Initial, a brand name search reveals to you whether somebody has just started to utilize an indistinguishable or comparative imprint. On the off chance that your proposed mark clashes with a current imprint, by conducting on a trademark search you are avoiding a potential damages claim. 

Set aside Time and Cash 

Besides, as referenced previously, a decent brand name search will save you time and cash. Over the long haul, it will assist you with avoiding going before comparatively confounding imprints. Plus, a complete brand name search will help you with staying away from lost showcasing and creation costs. For instance, assume you dispatch and print a huge number of dollars worth of commercials, item names or handouts to find later that you might be compelled to change your item name to keep away from encroachment with a comparative going before mark. Quick reserve funds can be seen when attempting to document a brand name application with the Patent and Trademark Office. A brand name search will uncover any enlisted or forthcoming imprints that are similar to your imprint. In this manner, on the off chance that you find that clashing imprints exist, at that point, you will spare yourself the brand name application expense by not documenting a similar name. The administration application charge is regularly non-refundable.

How to use WIPO

By going to the WIPO website.

You can either enter in the words or search by uploading an image to see if there are any similar marks. If there is, you should speak to your lawyer about the next steps. 

History of WIPO Protections

Before the concept of ever completing a WIPO Trademark Search could occur, you must look at where it all began. In 1873, in Vienna, Austria, organisers of the International Exhibition of Inventions were confronted with an interesting issue. No inventors wanted to come and show off their inventions as there was an assumption that the intellectual property would just be taken by others in other countries.  This sentiment culminated in 1883 where the Paris Convention for the Protection of Intellectual Property was signed, which then resulted in the 1891 signing of the Madrid Protocol which established how trademarks are designated today. When you complete a WIPO trademark search, the categorisation of the trademarks reflected in that search are in accordance with the Madrid Protocol. 

After the UN was established, the 2 Conventions were combined to form an agency which would later on to be called the WIPO. 

Requirements for Listing on the WIPO Database

Once you have completed your WIPO trademark search, you may want to have a legal professional register your trademark internationally.

In order to do so you must satisfy the following conditions:

 - you must have an application/registered mark in Australia already;
 - you must meet the entitlement requirements in Australia;
 - the goods and services claimed in the application must be identical to the Australia application, as must the application and trademark.

Following this,  a successful registration will result in your mark appearing in the WIPO database or anytime someone completed a WIPO trademark search. 


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